Elephants & Monkeys Consulting LLC +1 (503) 442-9855 chris@elephantsandmonkeys.com

Your Aviation Expert
Elephants & Monkeys Consulting provides global aviation consulting services to corporate and private aircraft owners. We specialize in large-cabin transport category aircraft manufactured by Boeing and Airbus.
From evaluation and acquisition through owner delivery and operation, we are experienced in a wide range of business aviation applications and can offer turn-key solutions, even when starting from a blank sheet or green airplane. We can handle smaller projects -- such as modifications -- or add specific expertise to complement your existing capabilities. In addition, we can step in if your aviation project seems to have gotten off track.
Please see our Services pages for specific capabilities and experience.
“When you are our customer, we work only for you. We are not affiliated with any completion center or vendor and do not accept payment or commissions for referrals.”